
Frye is a character in Splatoon 3 and one of the three members of the band Deep Cut alongside Shiver and Big Man with whom she co-hosts both Anarchy Splatcast the news. 2017年7月に発売されたNintendo Switch用シューティングゲームスプラトゥーン2がいまなお爆発的な人気を博している日本国内売り上げは308万本.

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Please visit the Help and Rules. Welcome to the Splatoon Wiki Splatoon is a third-person shooter video game series developed and published by Nintendo for the Wii U and Nintendo Switch. The Splatoon 3 game is available exclusively on the Nintendo Switch family of systems.

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Failsafe mode ensures that Splatoon will be ready to use as soon as Dalamud is updated to be used in current games patch. Splatoon 3 Collection - Stay Refreshed Water Bottle. Splatoon 3 s next Splatfest will be themed after Pokémon Scarlet and Violet asking players to choose which type of Starter Pokémon they go.

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